The list of participants and their working hours are as follows:
所在部門(men) |
展會(hui)地點(dian) |
泉(quan)城廣(guang)場(chang)地(di)下銀廣(guang) |
世(shi)茂(mao)廣(guang)場 |
舜畊(geng)會(hui)展中心(xin) |
展會(包(bao)含佈展(zhan)時間(jian)、晚上時(shi)間爲(wei)半天(tian),全天早9點(dian)到(dao)晚(wan)20點爲(wei)1.5天(tian))實際天數 |
5月23日早(zao)—5月26日(ri)晚(wan) 6天(tian) |
5月(yue)22日晚(wan)—5月27日下(xia)午 7.5天 |
5月(yue)24日(ri)下午(wu)—5月27日下午 3.5天 |
業(ye)務(wu)一部 |
田(tian)紀(ji)雲 |
3 |
3 |
0 |
6天(tian) |
業(ye)務四(si)部(bu) |
肖(xiao)天成(cheng) |
0 |
4 |
0 |
4天 |
生産(chan)部(bu) |
李青 |
1.5 |
6 |
0 |
7.5天(tian) |
財務部(bu) |
楊(yang)洪(hong)槑(mei) |
0 |
3.5 |
0 |
3.5天(tian) |
業(ye)務三(san)部 |
亓(qi)傳(chuan)雲(yun) |
1.5 |
0 |
2.5 |
4天 |
財(cai)務(wu)部 |
徐文(wen)娜 |
2 |
0 |
0 |
2天(tian) |
業(ye)務二(er)部(bu) |
徐輝(hui) |
0.5 |
0 |
0.5 |
1天(tian) |
闆房 |
劉(liu)鋒(feng) |
0.5 |
0.5 |
0.5 |
1.5天 |
綜郃部(bu) |
褚暢(chang) |
5.5 |
0 |
1 |
6.5天 |
綜郃部 |
于津(jin) |
3 |
1 |
3.5 |
7.5天(tian) |
Above rewards, the financial will be issued in cash, and the recipients will go to the financial signature to get the reward directly with the company's reimbursable bills!
At the same time, praise the leaders of the relevant staff. The decision to help each other and to transfer staff among the busy schedule is inseparable from the effective coordination between the heads of the departments and the members of the group.
The four comrades, Ji Caimei, Zhang Jian, Li Yuhui and Wang Dandan, were praised for their warm presence during the exhibition and greetings to the staff in the hot sun. Their actions were simple but significant. They really cared for their colleagues from their hearts and devoted themselves to every work of the company.
I hope all the staff will carry forward their spirit in their future work, learn from the above comrades, love their work, treat everyone and everything around them attentively, care for each other and help each other. Hongtian is a big family. All the colleagues around us are your brothers and sisters. I hope that colleagues and colleagues, departments and departments can work together to make progress and develop together.